Thursday, 18 August 2011

Find happiness in the job you have now.

I like the following advice:
Many people expect the right job or the right career to dramatically change their level of happiness, but happiness research makes it clear that your level of optimism and the quality of your relationships eclipse the satisfaction you gain from your job.
If you have a positive outlook, you will make the best of any job, and if you have good relationships with people, you won't depend on your job to give your life a greater sense of meaning. You'll find it in your interactions with the people you care about. Now that doesn't mean you shouldn't aspire towards a job that will make you happier; it means you should understand that the capacity of your job to make you happy is quite small in comparison to your outlook on life and your relationships with people.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this post. I think new job is somewhat like a holiday - you enjoy it for the first week/month, but then you begin to notice “real life” which is filled with less exciting events. Hence it doesn’t make you as happy as it used to when you just started. With the holiday, good or bad, you know you’ll always come back home. But could you do it with a job?

    There is saying that it’s not the place that makes the person, it’s the person that makes the place. It could well be that finding happiness at your current job is a synonym to finding happiness in your life and then bringing it to work. I think happiness is not something you get just by running away from troubles. It’s sort of a lifestyle…
